The indicators will help you to understand the overall status of event reports as well as six-monthly reports for your country as follows:
- Pending immediate notifications/follow-up reports/six-monthly reports: number of reports with status “draft” or “clarification”
- Events with late reporting: number of events with status “ongoing” for which no report has been submitted in the last 7 days
- Immediate notifications/follow-up reports submitted today: number of event reports that changed status to “submitted” today
- Immediate notifications/follow-up reports validated today: number of event reports that changed status to “validated” today
- Six-monthly reports submitted for the previous semester: number of six-monthly reports submitted for the previous semester
- Six-monthly reports submitted this week: number of six-monthly reports that changed status to “submitted” in the last 7 days
Six-monthly reports validated this week: number of six-monthly reports that changed status to “validated” in the last 7 days